
10a Moule Street Kihikihi, 3800

10a Moule Street , Kihikihi, 3800
land1457 m2
Property Type
Year Built
Last Sale information not available

Estimated Value Range  

An estimate of value is not currently available for this property. There could be insufficient property information or recent sales data. The property could be out of scope (e.g. non-residential, highly unique, rural) or the estimate cannot be determined with high enough confidence.

About 10a Moule Street, Kihikihi, Te Awamutu, 3800

10a Moule Street, Kihikihi, Te Awamutu, 3800 is a Residential property with 0 bedrooms, 1 bathroom and 0 parking spaces. Due to insufficient data, the value of the property cannot be estimated.

It is unknown when the property was last sold or how much it was sold for. On 1 August 2022, 10a Moule Street, Kihikihi, Te Awamutu, 3800 had a Rating Valuation with a Capital Value of $420,000, Land Value of $370,000 and Improvement Value of $50,000.

Property History

There is no history for this property.
Present Day
Property Built

Commute Calculator


Rating Valuation

Capital Value
Land Value
Improvement Value
Legal Description(s)

Section 6 Allotment 135, 136 and 137 Town of Kihikihi

Valuation Date
Valuation Reference

Additional Information

Roof Construction
Residential Zone A, 9A
Units of Use
Wall Construction
Maori Land
Territorial Authority
Waipa District
Land Use

Suburb Insights

Comparable Properties

There are no similar properties in the area that are listed for sale or recently sold.