12 Rapaki Street, Koitiata, Whanganui, 4581 is a Residential property built in 1992 with 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and 1 parking space. The property is estimated to be valued in the range of $550,000 to $600,000.
It is unknown when the property was last sold or how much it was sold for. On 1 August 2023, 12 Rapaki Street, Koitiata, Whanganui, 4581 had a Rating Valuation with a Capital Value of $620,000, Land Value of $310,000 and Improvement Value of $310,000.
Date | Type | Price | Agent/Agency |
25 Sep 2009 | AUCTION | Price Not Disclosed | Sue Ellis of LJ Hooker |
19 Jun 2009 | DEADLINE PRIVATE TREATY | $320,000 | Margo Whetton of Pgg Wrightson |
13 Jan 2003 | SOLD | $72,000 | |
13 Apr 1992 | SOLD | $10,000 |
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