1 Aru Street, Tangimoana, 4822 is a Residential property built in 1975 with 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom and 2 parking spaces. The property is estimated to be valued in the range of $375,000 to $400,000.
The property last sold on 10 November 2004 for $97,000. On 1 July 2022, 1 Aru Street, Tangimoana, 4822 had a Rating Valuation with a Capital Value of $435,000, Land Value of $185,000 and Improvement Value of $250,000.
Date | Type | Price | Agent/Agency |
10 Nov 2004 | SOLD | $97,000 | |
6 May 1994 | SOLD | $54,000 |
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Section 77 Town of Tangimoana Extension No. 1
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