
1/39 Mchaffies Place Wainoni, 8061

1/39 Mchaffies Place , Wainoni, 8061
land814 m2
floor170 m2
Property Type
Year Built
Last Sale information not available

Estimated Value Range  

An estimate of value is not currently available for this property. There could be insufficient property information or recent sales data. The property could be out of scope (e.g. non-residential, highly unique, rural) or the estimate cannot be determined with high enough confidence.

About 1/39 Mchaffies Place, Wainoni, Christchurch, 8061

1/39 Mchaffies Place, Wainoni, Christchurch, 8061 is a Residential property with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and 2 parking spaces. Due to insufficient data, the value of the property cannot be estimated.

It is unknown when the property was last sold or how much it was sold for. This property has not received a rating valuation, or we’ve been unable to find one.

Property History

31 Aug 2010ASKING PRICEPrice Not DisclosedYvonne Craig of Harcourts Grenadier Real Estate
4 Nov 2009ASKING PRICEPrice Not DisclosedSteve Wichman of Harcourts Twiss Keir Shirley
27 May 2006DEADLINE PRIVATE TREATY$202,000Tim Perry of Bernice Ireland First National Ltd
24 Dec 2005DEADLINE PRIVATE TREATY$205,000Tony Good of Avon Realty Limited First National
10 Aug 2004DEADLINE PRIVATE TREATY$149,500Ann Martin of Bernice Ireland First National
14 Dec 2002DEADLINE PRIVATE TREATYPrice Not DisclosedJacquiline Badger of Harcourts Gold Real Estate Limited
Present Day
31 Aug
Asking Price — Price Not Disclosed
Listed by Yvonne Craig of Harcourts Grenadier Real Estate
4 Nov
Asking Price — Price Not Disclosed
Listed by Steve Wichman of Harcourts Twiss Keir Shirley
27 May
Deadline Private Treaty — $202,000
Listed by Tim Perry of Bernice Ireland First National Ltd
24 Dec
Deadline Private Treaty — $205,000
Listed by Tony Good of Avon Realty Limited First National
10 Aug
Deadline Private Treaty — $149,500
Listed by Ann Martin of Bernice Ireland First National
14 Dec
Deadline Private Treaty — Price Not Disclosed
Listed by Jacquiline Badger of Harcourts Gold Real Estate Limited
Property Built

Commute Calculator


Rating Valuation

Capital Value
Land Value
Improvement Value
Legal Description(s)
Valuation Date
Valuation Reference

Additional Information

Roof Construction
Residential Zone A, 9A
Units of Use
Wall Construction
Maori Land
Territorial Authority
Christchurch City
Land Use

Suburb Insights

Comparable Properties

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